20,35 € Με Φ.Π.Α
Weight | 0,18 kg |
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MPN | 5204914375161 |
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Metatarsal pad
Silicone metatarsal pad. Recommended in cases of metatarsal calluses, hyperkeratosis, ant, after metatarsal cleansing. As well as in cases of mild tendonitis. Relieves pain.
Metatarsal pad and metatarsalgia
Pillow ideal for patients suffering from metatarsalgia. The term “metatarsalgia” is a general term used to describe pain in the lower and front of the foot (area of the metatarsal heads). It is characterized by patients as deep, persistent pain with or without heartburn (burning sensation).
It mostly affects women due to the increased use of high-heeled shoes (transfer of the entire center of gravity of the body to the front foot) or narrow shoes (increased compression of the midline of the metatarsals) for a long time. The combination of both characteristic shoes significantly increases the chances of metatarsalgia in the future. When the disease occurs in men, it usually hides more serious biomechanical predisposing factors (which, however, are treatable) such as severe flatfoot, varicose veins, stiff anterior leg, etc.
Necessary aid to prevent the formation of plantar calluses. Plantar fasciitis is a small, well-located and painful lesion (below the tibial sesame or from an acute projection of the peroneal tubercle of a metatarsal head) and contains a central keratin plug.
The skin is made up of many layers. The outer layer, the epidermis, acts as a protective barrier for the deeper, more sensitive layers of the skin. If the skin is exposed to constant pressure and friction, blood circulation increases. As a result of the increased growth of cells at the specific point. A layer of hard skin is formed (sclerosis), which grows internally in the shape of a cone and a hard nucleus is created, which is called the callus root. Goodness causes intense pain. They can be so painful that they affect the gait, the choice of shoes and the activities of the person. Plantar fasciitis is small, well-located and painful lesions (in the metatarsals) and contain a central keratin plug.