Health Aid Cellusite, Fights Cellulite and Sculpts the Curves, 60tabs
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Health Aid Cellusite, Fights Cellulite and Sculpts the Curves, 60tabs

17,99  Με Φ.Π.Α

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Health Aid Cellusite, Fights Cellulite and Sculpts the Curves, 60tabs

Increasing your antioxidant intake is an important part of an anti-cellulite program. Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Green Tea, Grape Seed and Berry Blend are powerful antioxidants that help protect the body against the accumulation of toxins, which are known to be responsible for the formation of cellulite.

HealthAid Cellusite is a balanced combination of herbs and nutrients that work synergistically for maximum results. Rich in antioxidants and detoxifying plant elements that help protect the body from oxidative stress, healthy lipid metabolism, improve circulation and reduce the likelihood of cellulite.


Adults and over 16 years two tablets daily with food. For maximum results it is recommended to take the treatment for at least 8 weeks.


Each capsule contains:

White Willow Bark 200mg

Dandelion Root 100mg

Kelp 66mg

Apple Cider Vinegar 66mg

Quercetin 60mg

Burdock 60mg

Butcher’s Broom 60mg

Potassium Chloride 40mg

Guarana (extract 1: 4) 40mg

Lecithin 32mg

Rose hips 20mg

Blessed Thistle 20mg

Dimethylglycine 20mg

Buchu 10mg

Couch Grass 10mg

Hydrangea 10mg

Uva Ursi 10mg

Juniper Berry 10mg