Power Health Power of Nature Platinum Range Multi Senior 50+ 30Tabs
23,95  16,75  Με Φ.Π.Α Add to cart

Power Health Power of Nature Platinum Range Multi Senior 50+ 30Tabs

16,75  Με Φ.Π.Α

Weight0,19 kg



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Power of Nature Multi Senior 50+

Multi Senior 50+ is a multivitamin preparation specially designed to meet the special needs of a person after the age of 50.

Contains a wide range of vitamins, minerals and trace elements, along with highly protective ingredients such as Ginkgo, bilberry, coenzyme Q10 and lutein, for energy stimulation, heart protection and vision.

Ginkgo Ginkgo Biloba

Helps improve blood circulation in small and peripheral blood vessels.

Improves memory and concentration.

The Bilberry Vaccinium myrtillus L

Improves vision and especially night vision.

Protects against macular degeneration.

Protects blood vessels and blood circulation.

Coenzyme Q10

Contributes to energy production.

Protects blood vessels and heart.

Provides strong antioxidant protection and anti-aging action.

Helps increase endurance and performance.

Lutein has a strong antioxidant effect that

Contributes to the health of vision.

Protects against degenerative eye diseases.

Helps protect the skin from sunlight.


    Vitamins B6, B12 and magnesium: In the normal functioning of the nervous system

    Zinc: In normal cognitive function and in maintaining normal blood testosterone levels

    Vitamins B1 and B2: In the normal functioning of metabolic processes aimed at energy production

    Vitamins niacin and biotin: In normal psychological function

    Pantothenic acid and folic acid: In reducing fatigue and tiredness

    Vitamin B1: In the normal functioning of the heart

    Vitamin E and selenium: In protecting cells from oxidative stress

    Iron: In the normal transport of oxygen in the body

    Vitamin C: In the normal formation of collagen for the normal functioning of bones, cartilage, teeth, gums, skin and blood vessels

    Calcium, manganese and vitamin D: In maintaining normal bone condition

    Vitamin D3: In reducing the risk of falls that is positively associated with orthostatic instability and muscle weakness. The fall is a risk factor for fractures between men and women aged 60 and over

    Vitamin D3, magnesium and calcium: In normal muscle function

    Phosphorus: In maintaining the normal condition of the teeth

    Vitamin C, zinc and vitamin D3: In the normal functioning of the immune system

    Vitamin A: In maintaining normal vision

    Chromium: In maintaining normal blood glucose levels

    Copper: In the preservation of normal connective tissue and in normal hair coloring

* The above are official health claims from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).

GLUTEN FREE, lactose, preservatives.

In the unique Multi Senior of the Classics Platinum Range series, all the vitamins and other essential nutrients coexist in ideal proportions, which are enhanced: by the power of coenzyme Q10, the stimulation of blood vessels by Ginkgo, the protection of vision and macular degeneration from Bilberry and Lutein.

Pregnancy / Breastfeeding

Consult your doctor if you are pregnant, breast-feeding, taking medication or have any health problems.

Take 1 tablet before a meal.